Monday, June 15, 2009

The Grass is greener

So our Elders Quorum in my singles ward is having an activity with the relief society in another ward. The title of the activity is "The grass is greener..." when they announced this in church yesterday I laughed out loud. Isn't that hilarious? Anyway, last week I was called to serve on the institute committee in my ward. So far it has consisted of setting up and taking down chairs before and after. It's been pretty intense.

Funny Quote of the Day: "If she's cute, and active in the church, I'll marry her next month.''-That was me talking to my friend on Saturday night about dating. I didn't really mean it, it just kinda came out of my mouth and we both had a good laugh.

That quote is eerily similar to some dating advice that my dad gave me a couple of years ago. "If she's cute, likes you and can put up with your crap then go for it cause it's not gonna get any better than that."

1 comment:

Holly-O said...

I'm not sure how I would feel if I were in the RS in your ward and you have named an activity like that.. haha. :)