Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So I kind of forgot I had a blog...I'm not kidding. Between work, socializing, studying, sleeping, going to the gym, visiting my sister and her kids and church, I've been pretty busy. I was reminded by the fact that I had a blog my looking through my "bookmarks" tab.

I need a wife, to blog for me (among other reasons). She would be much better at it than me, and frankly more interesting.

On another note, It dropped down into the 90s today after multiple days around 107. It was actually cloudy today on my way to work. I didn't have to wear my sunglasses.

The treat jar at work is my downfall. My desk is right near it (I actually have to walk by it to get to the printer). They have those really yummy Red Vines and Peppermint Patties.

I've started bringing lunches from home, cause frankly, $8 a day adds up. And it is much healthier to bring a lunch from home. Although I will still make the occasional trip to Macayo's.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Mmm, that place looks GOOD...

Let me be the first to welcome you back to your blog.