Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Some of you may have noticed that in my address to my blog is the word "jansport.'' Jansport is a nickname that I have had among my friends since I was in elementary school. The story goes like this.
I was in my sixth grade graduation from elementary school. They had printed our names with fancy writing and when 'Ian' was written fancy it appeared to the person reading the names as 'Jan'. So in front of the whole sixth grade I was introduced as 'Jan Prescott'. Consequently my friends (Chad Walker being the chief culprit) started calling me Jansport (after the popular backpack company) and the name stuck.


Liz G. said...

I have never heard that story until now. Too funny.

Michael said...


That should have been in your address.

Heidi said...

I think I remember that. Funny.