Thursday, June 3, 2010


I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, but do we really need that many handicap parking stalls? Sorry for being so politically incorrect, but I just had to share.


Deb said...

I'm not offended by any means. But actually they are required to have that many handicapped spots. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act businesses are required to have a certain percentage of their parking spots be handicap accessible.

Ian said...

Thanks for the info. I figured it had to be something like that. I have no problem with having handicapped stalls at the front. I guess I feel like every where I go there are always unused handicapped stalls. I wonder how they came up with that required percentage. Is it some random percentage that they come up with or did they use statistics to get a average for the general population that would require handicap stalls. If they used some sort of science them I'm OK with it. But, given my experience with lawmakers in the recent and not so recent past I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't put much thought into it. It would be interesting to know though. I have too much time on my hands :)

bryan said...

That's funny. I think those last couple of stalls must be 100 yards from the building. You would think they would spread them out horizontally along the storefront or something.